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    Hair Color Guide: Everything You Need To Know

    Bleach is a chemical agent used to lighten or disperse pigment from the hair shaft in a permanent manner. Bleaching is useful when you want to go from a darker color to a much lighter one by stripping the pigment from the hair strands. Bleaching can be quite harsh on the hair and over-processing must be avoided.

    5 Steps To Fix A bad Haircut

    While there is nothing wrong with being upset and angry about a bad haircut or hairstyle, the way that you react to the situation can sometimes make it worse. To ensure that you get the outcome and results that you deserve, take a look at our guide for what to do about your reaction to a bad hairstyle.

    Split Ends And Damaged Hair, How To Fix It

    Even the most cared for hair is damaged to some degree, and while we can’t avoid damaged hair completely, knowing the causes can help us to limit it.

    For a simple way to tell if you have damaged hair, run your fingers through your hair.

    Is Your Fear of a Hairstyle Makeover Stopping You?

    To some lucky ones, changing their hairstyle is an exciting, fun, and even enjoyable experience. However, for others, the whole process is riddled with fear, anxiety, and tension. Few of them never even make it to the salon chair because they are not able to get past the what if? stage. So, what exactly is it that virtually cripples some people …

    18 Medium Curly Hairstyles for 2023

    Medium hair can sometimes be a struggle. It is that in between short and long hair phase that can sometimes be a bit frustrating, and look awkward. Medium length hair usually is described as on the shoulders to about 2-3 inches below.

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