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Is Your Fear of a Hairstyle Makeover Stopping You?

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To some lucky ones, changing their hairstyle is an exciting, fun, and even enjoyable experience. However, for others, the whole process is riddled with fear, anxiety, and tension. Few of them never even make it to the salon chair because they are not able to get past the what if? stage. So, what exactly is it that virtually cripples some people and why does it happen to them at all?

There are many key contributing factors that result in this negative behaviour but there is always one key emotion that drives those people into avoiding something new or making any kind of changes altogether.

Here are some common emotional drivers that prevent people from going for a hairstyle change e.g. from long hairstyles to a pixie cut or any other change in general.

Emotional Drivers of Avoiding Hairstyle Makeovers


Fear itself is not always a bad thing if it motivates you to act in a constructive way, such as to get out of the way of the train coming towards you! Or when a lion is about to eat you! The funny thing here is how many of us have actually ever had this happen to us? It would seem then that most common fears people have, are things of a much lesser magnitude. But let me assure you this: they may seem as bad as being eaten by a Polar Bear, but more often than not, they aren’t!

As human beings, we all strive to be accepted and to a degree gain the approval of others. Some people are an exception to this, but on the whole and on a subconscious level, human nature is such that it encourages us to fit in and to be accepted. It is this very fear of not being accepted or approved of by others that plays an important role in people not being able to change and navigate new territories, even non-threatening ones such as new hairstyles.


Many people long for certainty in their lives, wanting to be certain or in control of everything that happens to them. The feeling of trying something new, something that is unknown scares the living daylights out of them because, well… What if?

Now, you probably know somebody just like this that you tried to be rational around, but they always had the what if ready for you as their answer.

Something that I say to these people is IF my aunty has a sex change, she will become my uncle, meaning if or when it happens and the chances are pretty slim, then it will be what it is, and we will deal with that then.

If you are one of those people that wants to be certain of your new makeover before you have it done, you can try a few things. Here are some tips up my sleeve:

1. Try on a Virtual Hairstyle

The graphics and colours are really good nowadays, and this will go a long way to helping you see in your mind’s eye what the outcome will look like (close enough). Switching from curly hairstyles to straight hairstyle, or changing the colours of your hair, virtual hairstyle apps can be immensely helpful.

2. Take Baby Steps!

Do your makeover in small increments of change, a little bit today, and a little more cut off in the next salon visit. This way you’ll have control over and a basic idea on how the hairstyle is turning out to be and whether you’d like to stop or request any modifications mid-way. If you are planning for short hairstyles, don’t go all in, rather push it over few salon visits.


Being in control is a little like perfectionism. You never ever achieve this state because how can you control what other people are doing, saying, and most of all, thinking? More to the point, if you are going to a hairstylist for their expertise then how can you possibly control what happens in the chair?

I have had clients micromanage everything to the last detail, asking me to show their hair at the back using a back mirror during the whole process: what length I am cutting off the ends, why I am picking hair up a certain way, how long it would take, what it will look like when it’s done, just to name a few.

My advice is to relax, enjoy the moment, take a little chance, maybe slowly, but to embrace a little variety and change, because this is what makes us feel great. After all, progress equals happiness, isn’t it?

There’s seriously no reason for you not to get that amazing hairstyle makeover.

So how do you know if you suffer from this new hairstyle syndrome?

You need to ask yourself what exactly it is that concerns you about getting a new hairstyle. Over the years I have dealt with many clients and have found some of the following reasons to be top of the list.

Reasons for Not Taking the Plunge

That a Hairstyle Is Irreversible (Cannot Be Changed Back)

Here people are fearful of change and what it represents. It is easy to never venture outside one’s comfort zone for fear of failure, or in this case, not going back to the accepted level. For what it’s worth, you don’t need to worry, since most hairstyling services are reversible. On the off chance that you don’t like your new hairstyle, here’s the news: your natural hair will grow back!

That They May Not Like It After It’s Done

Fear of the unknown or unseen is by far one of the strongest negative emotions that affects people all over the world in every facet of life. There is of course a chance that your new short hairstyle will not be liked at first, but also there is a very strong possibility that you may love the new look if you have a positive, realistic approach, and you have taken precautionary steps to ensure that risk is minimized.

That a Partner/Family/Friends May Not Approve of It after It’s Done

This fear of not being accepted or approved of can be mentally paralyzing. A way around this is to show your partner/family or friends some pictures (on your own face would be best) of some new hairstyle ideas, whether you are aiming for long hairstyles or short before venturing into a salon. This will save shocking them later. Just remember, the bottom line is if you change your hairstyle, do it for the right reasons and do it for you!

That It May Ruin Their Hair

This is the one time when being fearful is not a bad thing if it motivates you to react in a positive manner. You need to steer clear from “home job” hairdressing where chemicals or techniques that are used could ruin your hair. Instead, always first consult with and only ever allow a fully trained professional hairstylist to perform any service to your hair.

A Past Bad Hairstyle Experience Means That It Will Happen Again

Although understandable, don’t allow bad hairstyle experiences to stop you from trying something new. Instead, try to assess why and how it actually happened and what part you played (if any) to avoid it from happening again. The odds are actually in your favour that it wouldn’t happen again.
The list goes on and on, and I have only listed just some of the main reasons why many people are so frightened to ever change their hairstyle from straight to curly hairstyles or from long hairstyle to a short haircut. If you have a good look at the list there is a very good chance that any one, or a combination of the above, can happen to you when you have a hairstyle change.

Parting Words

In my opinion, there are far too many reasons and positive outcomes that are achievable from hairstyling changes that completely outweigh the negative. The good news is that using positive thoughts and actions involving carefully thought-out planning, consulting, and strategies can almost completely eliminates any hairstyling disasters.

While all of the above can most definitely happen, what may also happen is –

You will end up with a brand-new hairstyle, a remarkable hair colour, and of course an incredible makeover that makes you look and FEEL amazing.

Now, who doesn’t want some of that?

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    FRequently Asked Questions

    Women Hair Advice

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    many miracle treatments are on the market that claim to have properties that will seal your split ends, however I am here to tell you that they are of a cosmetic nature only, filling the hair with silicones mostly to make it look and feel better. While some of these products will indeed help protect the hair from the elements, the split end needs to be amputated, cut off and removed as the best cause of action.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Yes, if you don’t cut off, remove the split ends they will travel up the hair shaft and cause more damage due to how the inside layer (the cortex) is exposed to all elements and the sun. Cutting split ends seals the hair, and is actually the best way to get longer hair because as it grows it won’t break off.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Naturally coarse wiry hair is what many people are born with unless you have damaged your hair from overusing chemicals, heat appliances, or the environment.

    The hair can feel dry because of how the cuticle sticks out at 45 degree angles, and also because of this, it is easy for coarse curly hair to actually dry out.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Curly hair that is coarse needs to be carefully cut all starting with a plan based around the type of curl, length of the hair, and then a person’s face shape, lifestyle, home hair care options, and available time.

    Some great haircuts for curly hair include

    • Short shaped afros
    • Short layer cuts
    • Undercuts
    • Medium layered Bobs
    • Layered Lobs
    • Long layer cuts
    • Curly curtain bangs
    • Side swept bangs
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    The best haircuts for coarse wavy hair vary depending on the length of the hair, and some of these include;

    • Short Crops
    • Short Pixie cuts
    • Short layer cuts
    • Medium Lobs and Shags (avoid razor cutting)
    • Medium layered Bobs
    • Long layered hairstyles
    • Wavy Curtain Bangs
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Great haircuts for straight coarse hair include some of the following

    • Short crops
    • Pixie cuts
    • Layer Cuts
    • Razor cut Shags
    • Graduated Bobs
    • Layered Lobs
    • Classic long stacked layer cuts
    • Choppy cuts
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Getting the best haircut for coarse hair depends on the texture and condition of the hair. Further to this, the best haircut for coarse hair also depends on a person’s face shape, personality, lifestyle, and other important factors.

    The best haircut for coarse hair is one that helps keep it in shape without too much work or effort.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    There are many hairstyles that work perfectly for fine hair types, making the hair looker thicker, more solid, even without any body and these include:

    • Short Precision Bob Cuts
    • Wedge Cuts, or Pixie Bobs as they are also known.
    • Angled Bobs
    • Geometric Bobs
    • Bob Cuts with bangs
    • Mid length bangs
    • Blunt cuts
    • Deep side part
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    If you have fine hair you should avoid some of the following things:

    • Using shampoos and conditioners that have too much moisture in them as this will make your fine hair flat and dull.
    • Don’t overuse hair color and chemicals as this will damage your hair
    • Only use heat styling aids occasionally on your fine hair otherwise this will lead to damage.
    • If you have straight fine hair, avoid getting layers particularly if your hair is medium or long.
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Straight hair can be cut in many ways, using a variety of haircutting techniques such as blunt cutting, sliced edges, chipping, razor cutting, layering, tapering, and much more, all on short, medium, and long hair lengths.

    Straight hair is easy to work with, but consideration must be given to how it falls naturally, working with the amount of hair, all against a person face shape, lifestyle, and personality

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Curly hair comes in 3 ranges that include

    1. Loose curls
    2. Tight curls
    3. Coily curls
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    The answer to this often-asked question is that

    • Long curly hair tends to behave better due to how gravity weighs it down, making it tame and looking amazing, however it does take more work to keep it healthy and looking great
    • Short curly hair can look incredible when the right haircut has been created on the right face shape, personality, and that considers a person’s lifestyle factors. Short curly hair is also easy to style and maintain.
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    Layer cuts on curly hair are great at defining curls, allowing movement and bounce from eliminating weight. Layering curly hair is definitely good, and all about adding shape to create a hairstyle that will suit the individual.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    There a number of ways to make straight hair change to curly or wavy, however they can be grouped into two categories.

    1. Non-Permanent, using thermal appliances such as hot irons, curling tongs, hot rollers, or curling the hair when it’s wet on round shapes (rollers overnight) will change the texture of hair when it dries. These new curls on your once straight hair will only last until moisture gets inside your hair shaft and is why you are told to stay away from humidity when you have your hair curled. The change in your straight hair to curls is on the Hydrogen bonds only (outside) and so not permanent.
    2. Permanent, using chemicals that go into your hair and rearrange the sulphur bonds, known as perming. Straight hair is stretched and moulded around a roller, chemically altered, and then set in place in new formations or curves, round shapes that we know as curls. This can be made straight again by using chemicals to drag the hair straight again, however moisture or simply washing your hair will not make permed curly hair straight on its own.
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    The thing about bangs is most people have tried them at least once in their lifetime and have either had a great experience or a really bad one.

    What’s important to remember about bangs is that they do have an effect on hairstyles and other important elements such as;

    • Straight across bangs halve the vertical length in a person face shape, thus they suit people with oblong, diamond, or narrow face types.
    • Curtain bangs with a middle part actually add length to face shapes, suiting round and wide faces best.
    • Side swept angled bangs are great on angular face shape such as square and broader jawbones.
    • Straight across bangs draw attention to the eyes.
    • Bangs are an easy way to do something different without having a complete full makeover.
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    The short answer is NO. The longer answer is no don’t razor cut wavy or curly hair unless you are wanting it to frizz, look wiry, like it has split ends. The reason is that razor cutting slices hair on an angle, and also removes only some (not all) of the hair, and when hair is wavy or curly and razor cut, the shorter pieces with less weight spring up between longer pieces making a bushy, frizzy effect.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    It is a good idea to get your hair trimmed by your hairdresser every 4-6 weeks.

    Regular trims ensure that;

    • The shape of your haircut will be maintained easily
    • Any damaged or split ends can be cut off, visit by visit so that they don’t creep further up the hair shaft.
    • You will be able to style your hair far more easily
    • It’s an opportunity to treat yourself on a more regular basis.
    Category: Women Hair Advice

    There was a time not so long ago that every young lady (sorry guys no disrespect) was told to brush their hair 100 times in the morning and another 100 times at night with a good natural bristle brush.

    This was very important for long hair types as it ensured that

    • Any knots or tangles where brushed out
    • That sebum from the scalp was distributed to the mid length and ends, protecting the hair with natural oils.
    • The brushing on the scalp created good circulation to the follicle to help with better hair growth.

    The art of brushing hair was sadly lost back in the eighties and nineties when perms and brushing were not a good match.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    This answer depends on your lifestyle, hairs length, and hair type.

    For example, if you live a sporty lifestyle you will need to shampoo your hair every single day and so will need to consider a hairstyle and home haircare regime that will help facilitate this.

    On the other hand, if you work inside out of the elements, have normal to dry hair and scalp on short hair, you should only be shampooing it 2-3 times per week.

    Category: Women Hair Advice

    There is no right or wrong answer here, fine hair can look amazing short with stylish one length looks and bangs, but it can also look great when it’s straight and all the one length, precision cut. Wavy and curly fine hair types can also look great short or long.

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